Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

4 Social, environmental and societal INFORMATION 4.1. The approach 102 4.1.1. CSR program 102 4.1.2. Key challenges and materiality analysis 102 4.1.3. The three CSR priorities 104 4.2. Proposing innovative and responsible 105 agri-food solutions 4.2.1. Developing high value-added plant and crop solutions 105 4.2.2. Ensuring that customers and consumers have accessible, 107 safe and high-quality products 4.2.3. Accompanying the evolution of different agricultural models 107 for a more sustainable world 4.3. Conduire les activités de manière éthique, XX durable et efficace RFA 4.3.1. Favoriser le développement à long terme des collaborateurs XX et la transmission de leurs savoirs 4.3.2. Exprimer et diffuser l’éthique des affaires XX 4.3.3. Optimiser l’utilisation des ressources naturelles de manière durable XX et maîtriser son impact sur le changement climatique cting activitie in an ethical, 109 s stainabl and effective manner ostering the long-term development of employees 109 and the tran mission of their knowledge essing and disseminating business ethics 117 zing the ustainable u e of natur l r sourc s 120 and controlling its impact on limate cha ge 4.4. Building new patterns of relationship 128 and creating value 4.4.1. Uniting employees around a common project and shared culture 128 4.4.2. Making stakeholder dialogue a source of wealth 133 4.4.3. Getting involved in society and taking action 134 for the development of local communities 4.5. Methodology note 137 4.5.1. Scope 137 4.5.2. Methodological procedures 137 4.5.3. Pertinence and choice of indicators 137 4.5.4. Consolidation and internal control 138 4.6. Concordance table for social, environmental 139 and societal information