Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

ANNUAL REPORT Vilmorin & Cie 119 2017-2018 4 with an alert reporting system. The Alert Management Committee (AMC) , comprising GRC, HR, CSR managers and the General Management, is responsible for managing the alert system. It insures coordination and follow-up of alerts and resolves any questions raised by employees. When the situation warrants it, the AMC may have to deal with alerts itself in ad hoc committees. The AMC may receive, by any means, any questions submitted on the application and control of the provisions of the Code of Conduct . As a result, it contributes to the definition and implementation of the Group’s ethics and corporate responsibility policy. It also oversees the deployment and evolution of the Group’s Code of Conduct. Complementary local measures can be set up to be as close as possible to the specific characteristics of the different markets and geographical areas. In order to insure that the consequences of internal corruption cases are assessed in a consistent manner across all Vilmorin & Cie’s companies, the Human Resources department undertook an analysis of the disciplinary measures in all subsidiaries over the fiscal year. The objective is to have appropriate disciplinary measures throughout the Group to deal with the various types of corruption and to insure that they are known and accepted by employees and their relevant representative bodies. Respect for Human Rights and the Rights of the Child The Code of Conduct is part of the scope of several international texts of which the Group shares the principles: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , the core conventions of the International Labor Organization , in particular conventions 29, 105, 138 and 182 (combating child labor and forced labor), 155 (health and safety of workers), 111 (combating discrimination), 100 (remuneration), 87 and 98 (freedom of association, the right to organize and the right to collective bargaining), United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child , the OECD guidelines for the intention of multinational companies. Moreover Limagrain, Vilmorin & Cie’s reference shareholder, signed the United Nations Global Compact in December 2013, and has committed to promoting and respecting its principles governing human rights in its teams and sphere of influence, and not to be part in any way of their violation. In this respect, the Code of Conduct is a binding document for all Group entities worldwide. Some Business Units have supplemented the Code of Conduct with rules specific to their local context. In India, Bisco Bio Science provides public holidays, a non-systematic practice in the country, and supplies production staff with purified water. Recently, HM.CLAUSE India hired two people to conduct internal audits of the network of farmers and seed multiplication companies on child labor and minimum wage issues. At the same time, and with the group's support, HM.CLAUSE India was actively involved in drafting the APSA (Asia & Pacific Seed Association) position on the subject. In Japan, Mikado Kyowa Seed has included “Anti-Social Forces” exclusion clauses in its contracts with certain clients to protect itself from individuals seeking economic benefits through the use of violence, force and fraudulent means. Respect for the Rights of the Child The Group is fully aware of the reality of child labor. Several measures have been taken by the Business Units to deal with this issue. There is a clear reminder in the Code of Conduct that child labor is prohibited: “The Group insures that it works with suppliers who do not make use of illegal child labor or forced labor. The Group is careful to insure its suppliers and its customers respect the core conventions of the International Labor Organization on fundamental social rights.” It is particularly in India that the subject is significant, both for the Field Seeds and Vegetable Seeds activities. With regard to Field Seeds, at Bisco Bio Sciences in India, regular audits are conducted by the Human Resources department to insure that the prohibition of child labor is respected. Since working and living conditions are closely linked, accommodation with access to drinking water has been built near, but outside, the factory to provide employees and their children with decent living conditions. Furthermore, strict social clauses are included in all the contracts with suppliers that particularly concern child labor. In Vegetable Seeds, HM.CLAUSE’s production activities in India began in 2012. Since then, in order to deal effectively with the sensitive issue of child labor in this country, HM.CLAUSE India has multiplied its actions in a continuous progress approach. HM.CLAUSE India deployed a comprehensive procedure to abolish child labor in India, called the “Child Labor Awareness Program” (CLAP) , established disciplinary sanctions for producers who failed to meet HM.CLAUSE’s commitments, with the possible suspension of the outsourcing contract, and implemented a training program for the network of production technicians, and open awareness sessions for outsourced farmers. Under the Company Act (1) , a CSR committee was created, and two people, based in Karnataka 4.3. Conducting activities in an ethical, sustainable and effective manner Limagrain Brasil has set up the “Ethic channel” , a space for dialogue that allows all the company's employees and partners to report any ethical dilemmas encountered in the course of their activities. Its objective is to avoid acts contrary to the Code of Conduct , such as corruption, fraud, harassment or other inappropriate behavior, to reduce the number of cases and to minimize their impact. Its creation has made it possible to identify a single access point for this purpose, which can facilitate the processing of cases involving the same practices or the same persons. The Company's ethical approach is therefore more credible. Social, environmental and societal INFORMATION