Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

ANNUAL REPORT Vilmorin & Cie 123 2017-2018 4 Limiting the environmental impacts of business activities Energy and greenhouse gas emissions Most of the energy consumed by Vilmorin & Cie is used to dry seeds, heat greenhouses and for employee business trips. Breakdown of energy consumption in 2017-2018 by activity Vilmorin & Cie's total energy consumption amounted to 278.3 million kWh in 2017-2018, up 8.4% compared to 2016-2017 (256.8 million kWh following restatement on a like-for-like basis). This increase is mainly due to the opening of a new seed production site in Hungary (7 million kWh), an expansion of the HM.CLAUSE research site in Thailand (6 million kWh) and an increase in the consumption of shelled corncobs to dry seeds in Brazil (4 million kWh) and India (1 million kWh). Vilmorin & Cie's total greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1 and 2 excluding refrigerants) amounted to 71.1 million kgCO 2 e in 2017- 2018, up 5.6% compared to 2016-2017 (+941,537 kgCO 2 e), due to increased energy consumption. Regarding greenhouse gas emissions of scope 3, in particular related to Vilmorin & Cie's seed production by its farmer-multiplier partners, estimates have been made based on the latest available data from EcoInvent (1) . The uncertainty factor is too great to provide a precise figure. However, these estimates made it possible to identify that, among the crops worked on by Vilmorin & Cie, some are more likely to emit carbon (tomatoes, peppers, summer squash, corn, etc.) and other capture carbon (beans, wheat, carrots, etc.) during their cultivation. When considering the distribution of acreages used per crop, the overall carbon footprint of seed production by Vilmorin & Cie's farmer-multiplier partners would be close to zero, with emitting and capturing crops cancelling out their emission impacts. Source Consumption (kWh) % Emissions of greenhouse gases (kgCO 2 e) % Electricity 85,094,434 30.6% 26,530,907 37.3% Mains gas 61,719,782 22.2% 14,751,028 20.7% Diesel for mobile sources 51,263,218 18.4% 16,558,019 23.3% Renewable energies 35,141,052 12.6% 0 0.0% Gasoline for mobile sources 15,234,756 5.5% 4,859,887 6.8% Other gas consumption 14,171,578 5.1% 3,735,554 5.3% Other consumption of gasoline 9,252,269 3.3% 2,988,420 4.2% Others 6,417,193 2.3% 1,700,258 2.4% Total 278,294,281 100.0% 71,124,073 100.0% (1) The EcoInvent database provides well-documented process data on thousands of products with regard to their environmental impact. 278,294 MWh of energy consumed including 12.6 % of renewable energies 1,917,807 m 3 of water consumed 47,885 tonnes of waste generated, of which 77.3 % are valorized Key figures 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 15-16 16-17 17-18 0.73 0.68 0.78 257 258 278 Evolution of energy consumption (in kWh and GJ/ €1,000 in sales) 53.3 % 0.4 % Vegetable Seeds Holdings 44.4 % Field Seeds 1.9 % Garden Products 4.3. Conducting activities in an ethical, sustainable and effective manner Social, environmental and societal INFORMATION