Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

ANNUAL REPORT Vilmorin & Cie 134 2017-2018 Social, environmental and societal INFORMATION 4 commitment (without quality approach / with quality approach / ISO Certification / CSR approach / Signatory of the Global Compact). Since January 2017, questions have been asked about CSR commitments with specific weighting in the event of an effective commitment. In order to insure that suppliers comply with labor legislation, requests for vigilance certificates are included in the purchasing process. In addition, some companies have set up specific actions. In India, the purchasing contracts of Bisco Bio Sciences and HM. CLAUSE now include specific clauses on child labor and compliance with minimum wages for subcontractors. In Israel, the Business Unit Hazera periodically audits its suppliers, including respect for human rights as one of its criteria. Vilmorin Jardin uses a questionnaire to learn more about its suppliers' CSR practices and to map out its key suppliers. At the same time, in November 2012, the Group signed the CMAP Mediation Charter (Centre de Médiation et d'Arbitrage de Paris) and has thus chosen to engage in the prevention of disputes and the amicable resolution of litigation by resorting to mediation whenever appropriate. Vilmorin & Cie wishes to encourage the amicable resolution of disputes whenever possible and in the long-term interest of the parties. 4.4.3. Getting involved in society and taking action for the development of local communities Vilmorin & Cie has chosen local management structures based on an organizational model so it can work in close proximity to its markets, very much involved in the regions in which it operates. A structure divided into ten Business Units is a way of combining respect for the strategic choices made by Vilmorin & Cie and the ability to account for the culture and specific features of each local area. This very specific organization model, which underpins Vilmorin & Cie’s performance, allows it to work very closely with the relevant people and markets, and to listen carefully to its clients regardless of their geographical location. By building on its capacity for innovation and its ability to listen to its clients on an ongoing basis, Vilmorin & Cie is in a position to provide the farmers and growers all around the world with seeds that are adapted to the different regions, and to changes in soil and climate. On employment and regional development Throughout its development and external growth operations, Vilmorin & Cie has provided impetus to local employment in the regions where it has locations, and has deployed a progressive integration model that respects existing cultures, and understands the importance of preserving the identity of companies acquired, and building on the know-how of staff teams already in place. Furthermore, the human and cultural references associated with the farming world, emanating from its reference shareholder, Limagrain, an international agricultural cooperative group, form part of Vilmorin & Cie’s values, leading to the development of close ties within the various regions in which it operates. With regard to seed production, the choice of locations, apart from its historical roots, is largely based on highly technical considerations. The aim is to find the appropriate agronomic conditions to insure production that meets the highest quality standards and to spread the risks inherent in agricultural production (climate, diseases, pests, etc.). Vilmorin & Cie favors, where technically possible, the production of seeds in the areas where they will be sold. Through the diversity of production areas, it contributes to the activity of agricultural holdings and to maintaining local employment. Production contracts with local farmers are therefore an important component of Vilmorin & Cie's territorial impact. Vilmorin & Cie’s business is highly seasonal, requiring the use of temporary workers at peak periods, particularly at harvest time. Most of this seasonal workforce is recruited locally at Vilmorin & Cie’s sites in France and other countries. Accordingly, almost 8,000 seasonal workers were employed by Vilmorin & Cie in 2017-2018. Relations with individuals and organizations with an interest in the Company’s activities There are many stakeholders interested in the Company's activity and the forms of action to reach them are diversified. Getting employees’ families involved in Company activity The main stakeholders interested in the Company's activity are the families of employees, who share the Company's daily life, but only in the form of narratives, without really knowing what the Company and its activities cover. Vilmorin-Mikado, at its La Ménitré site in France, and its Turkish subsidiary Vilmorin Anadolu organized an open house for employee families during the fiscal year. 4.4. Building new patterns of relationship and creating value