Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

ANNUAL REPORT Vilmorin & Cie 139 2017-2018 4 Categories of article 225 Information Chapters Pages GRI G4 correspondence United Nations Global Compact correspondence Social information I. a) Employment Total headcount and analysis of employees by gender, age and geographical area Vilmorin & Cie’s employees 110 G4-9; G4-10; partial LA1; LA12 Recruitments and discharges 111 EC6; LA1 Compensation and its evolution Attracting and retaining talents 113 Partial G4-51; G4-52; LA2 I b) Organization of working times Organization of working times G4-10 Absenteeism An ambitious safety policy 131 LA6 I. c) Social relations Organization of social dialog, procedures for informing, negotiating with and consulting with personnel Encouraging social dialogue and internal communication 128-129 3. Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. Report on collective agreements 129 G4-11 I. d) Health and safety Workplace health and safety conditions An ambitious safety policy 130 Report on agreements signed with trade union organizations or staff representatives on workplace health and safety agreements 131 Work accidents, and in particular their frequency and severity, and also occupational diseases LA6; LA7 I. e) Training Training policies implemented Actions to promote mobility and skills development 116 LA10; LA11 Total number of hours of training 116 LA9; HR2 I. f) Equal treatment Measures taken to support gender equality Committing to diversity 131 LA12 Businesses should: 2.make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. 4. eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labor. 5. effectively abolish child labor. 6. eliminate discrimination in employment and occupation. Measures taken in favor of employing and integrating disabled persons 132 LA12 Policy to fight discrimination 131 LA12; HR3 I. g) Promotion and respect of the stipulations of the International Labor Organization (ILO) with regard to: respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining Encouraging social dialogue and internal communication 128-129 Partial HR4 eliminating discrimination in terms of employment and profession Committing to diversity 131-132 HR3 eliminating forced or compulsory labor Respect for Human Rights and the Rights of the Child 119-120 Partial HR6 the effective abolition of child labor 119-120 Partial HR5 4.6. Concordance table for social, environmental and societal information 4.6. Concordance table for social, environmental and societal information Social, environmental and societal INFORMATION