Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

5 ANNUAL REPORT Vilmorin & Cie 163 2017-2018 Note 5: Revenue from ordinary activities 1- Analysis by nature In millions of euros Variation % 17-18 16-17 Sales of goods -5.0% 1,290.7 1,359.0 Sales of services -5.7% 8.3 8.8 Royalties received 1.7% 47.0 46.2 Total -4.8% 1,346.0 1,414.0 The rules applied for the recording and evaluation of revenue from ordinary activities appear in Note 1 paragraph 24 of the “Accounting methods and principles in IFRS standards.” 2- Analysis by geographical area The geographical analysis of sales of goods and finished products is as follows: In millions of euros Variation % 17-18 16-17 Europe 1.6% 768.9 756.6 Americas -13.7% 264.9 306.9 Asia and Oceania -19.1% 123.2 152.3 Africa and Middle East -6.6% 133.7 143.2 Total -5.0% 1,290.7 1,359.0 3- Analysis by product Analysis of sales according to product families is as follows: In millions of euros Variation % 17-18 16-17 Vegetable and flower seeds -5.5% 638.1 675.5 Other field seeds -0.7% 549.4 553.5 Forage and lawn seeds 2.7% 34.3 33.4 Garden products -5.5% 55.5 58.7 Other products -64.6% 13.4 37.9 Total -5.0% 1,290.7 1,359.0 4- Revenue from ordinary activities at constant exchange rates With constant exchange rates for the period, the revenue from ordinary activities for the previous fiscal year would have come to 1,358.5 million euros compared with 1,346 million euros for this past fiscal year, a decrease of 0.9%. Note 6: Personnel costs 1- Evolution of personnel costs In millions of euros 17-18 16-17 Gross salaries 291.5 289.9 Social charges 101.6 99.3 Profit-sharing schemes 11.0 12.3 Total 404.1 401.5 2- Further information Bearing in mind the seasonal nature of its business, Vilmorin & Cie discloses information on its permanent headcount and its average annual headcount. 2.1 - Average annual headcount 2.1.1 Analysis France/Non-France 17-18 16-17 France 2,500 2,528 Non-France 4,767 4,691 Total 7,267 7,219 2.1.2 Analysis by employee status 17-18 16-17 Management 1,994 1,948 Non-management 5,273 5,271 Total 7,267 7,219 2.2 - Permanent headcount at the end of the fiscal year 2.2.1 Analysis France/Non-France 17-18 16-17 France 2,062 2,076 Non-France 4,591 4,484 Total 6,653 6,560 2.2.2 Analysis by employee status 17-18 16-17 Management 2,002 1,938 Non-management 4,651 4,622 Total 6,653 6,560 5.1. Consolidated Financial Statements Financial INFORMATION