Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

5 ANNUAL REPORT Vilmorin & Cie 165 2017-2018 Note 9: Other operating income and charges 1- Evolution In millions of euros 17-18 16-17 Litigation -4.0 -4.0 Income from the sale of fixed assets -1.4 - Income from the sale of consolidated securities - - Government subsidies 4.4 4.6 Reorganization costs - -6.2 Impairment on fixed assets 0.4 -6.1 Other charges and income 3.8 2.8 Total 3.2 -8.9 2- Further information 2.1 - On operations for fiscal year 2017-2018 2.1.1 Reorganization costs These mainly concern: In millions of euros Amount Limagrain Europe 0.2 Miscellaneous -0.2 Total - 2.1.2 Impairment of fixed assets These mainly concern: In millions of euros Amount Mikado Kyowa Seed 0.4 Total 0.4 2.2 - On operations for fiscal year 2016-2017 2.2.1 Reorganization costs These mainly concern: In millions of euros Amount Limagrain Europe -3.7 Vilmorin Jardin -1.0 Miscellaneous -1.5 Total -6.2 2.2.2 Impairment of fixed assets These mainly concern: In millions of euros Amount Biogemma -0.1 HM.CLAUSE Polska -0.5 Vilmorin & Cie -0.6 Vilmorin Jardin -4.9 Total -6.1 Note 10: Interest costs 1- Evolution In millions of euros 17-18 16-17 Interests on loans and bank overdrafts (1) -24.3 -23.1 Interest on financial leasing agreements -0.1 - Losses and gains of fair value on hedging instruments - - Losses and gains on the disposal of hedging instruments - - Cash income 2.8 2.4 Miscellaneous (2) -2.8 -1.4 Total -24.4 -22.1 (1) The increase in interest charges is mainly due to an increase in rates in the USA, and the increase in the interest charge on Brazilian activities. (2) This line mainly concerns commission paid out on Vilmorin & Cie’s syndicated credit, and also commission on financial operations. 2- Further information The total funding costs can be broken down as follows: In millions of euros 17-18 16-17 Interest charges -27.3 -24.6 Interest income 2.9 2.5 Total -24.4 -22.1 5.1. Consolidated Financial Statements Financial INFORMATION