Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

5 ANNUAL REPORT Vilmorin & Cie 175 2017-2018 2.2 - Impairment An impairment test was conducted in accordance with the methodology described in Note 1 paragraph 11 of “Accounting methods and principles in IFRS standards.” The evolution is as follows: In millions of euros Land Constructions Installations, equipment and others Total 07.01.16 0.1 0.7 - 0.8 Fiscal year 16-17 0.4 - - 0.4 06.30.17 0.5 0.7 - 1.2 Fiscal year 17-18 - -0.4 - -0.4 06.30.18 0.5 0.3 - 0.8 2.3 - Variations in scope Variations in scope concern the following operations (net of amortization): In millions of euros Total Fiscal year 17-18 None - Total - Fiscal year 16-17 None - Total - 2.4 - Commitments on leasing contracts In millions of euros Total < 1 year 1 to 5 years > 5 years Direct financing lease 5.8 2.0 2.8 1.0 Simple lease contracts 48.5 13.9 27.7 6.9 5.1. Consolidated Financial Statements Financial INFORMATION