Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

5 ANNUAL REPORT Vilmorin & Cie 183 2017-2018 Note 21: Cash and cash equivalents 1- Evolution of fair values In millions of euros 06.30.18 06.30.17 Financial current accounts 4.0 4.5 Placement securities held for purposes of transaction 29.6 86.2 Cash and bank in hand 163.1 165.6 Total 196.7 256.3 Variation for the fiscal year -59.6 49.8 The evaluation rules applicable for this line are described in Note 1 paragraph 22 of the “Accounting methods and principles in IFRS standards.” 2- Further information 2.1 - Analysis of the variations for the fiscal year: In millions of euros Total Fiscal year 17-18 Variations in scope 0.2 Variation in gross values -50.6 Currency translations -9.2 New provisions - Reclassifications and others - Total -59.6 Fiscal year 16-17 Variations in scope 0.2 Variation in gross values 57.2 Currency translations -7.3 Reclassifications and others -0.3 Total 49.8 2.2 - Variations in scope concern: In millions of euros Total Fiscal year 17-18 Hazera Ethiopia 0.2 Total 0.2 Fiscal year 16-17 Korea MKS 0.2 Total 0.2 5.1. Consolidated Financial Statements Financial INFORMATION