Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

5 ANNUAL REPORT Vilmorin & Cie 191 2017-2018 2- Further information 2.1 - Variations for the fiscal year include the following items: In millions of euros Total Fiscal year 17-18 Variations in scope - Variations in provisions -0.4 > Provisions for the fiscal year 6.8 > Write-back used -4.1 > Write-back not used -3.1 Reclassifications - Currency fluctuations -0.2 Total -0.6 Fiscal year 16-17 Variations in scope - Variations in provisions 3.9 > Provisions for the fiscal year 10.0 > Write-back used -5.4 > Write-back not used -0.7 Reclassifications - Currency fluctuations -0.2 Total 3.7 2.2 - Variations in scope concern the following operations: In millions of euros Total Fiscal year 17-18 None - Total - Fiscal year 16-17 None - Total - Note 27: Current and non-current financial debts 1- Composition of the financial debts 1.1 - Non-current financial debts In millions of euros 06.30.18 06.30.17 Debt component of the bonds redeemable as shares (ORA) (1) 0.5 1.0 Bank loans 143.5 132.4 Minority redemption commitments - - Lease/hire purchase 0.6 0.5 Derivatives (2)(3) -1.5 0.1 Other financial debts 615.2 615.2 Total 758.3 749.2 Variation for the fiscal year 9.1 -29.3 (1) Cf. Note 23 (2) Cf. Note 30 (3) Including active derivatives: -1.5 million euros 1.2 - Current financial debts In millions of euros 06.30.18 06.30.17 Debt component of the bonds redeemable as shares (ORA) (1) 0.5 0.5 Bank loans 199.1 202.0 Lease/hire purchase 0.2 0.2 Derivatives (2) - - Current accounts 0.2 0.1 Interest incurred 4.3 4.2 Other financial debts - 14.0 Total 204.3 221.0 Variation for the fiscal year -16.7 50.7 (1) Cf. Note 23 (2) Cf. Note 30 1.3 - Net financial indebtedness Financial indebtedness, net of cash and bank in hand, evolved as follows: In millions of euros 06.30.18 06.30.17 Non-current financial debts 758.3 749.2 Current financial debts 204.3 221.0 Cash and bank in hand (cf. Note 21) -196.7 -256.3 Net financial debts 765.9 713.9 Variation for the fiscal year 52.0 -28.4 The rules applied for recording financial debts are described in Note 1 paragraphs 21.3, 21.4 and 23 of the “Accounting methods and principles in IFRS standards.” 5.1. Consolidated Financial Statements Financial INFORMATION