Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

Financial INFORMATION 5 ANNUAL REPORT Vilmorin & Cie 194 2017-2018 2.4 - Analysis of loans by nature of rates Analysis of the financial debts by nature of rates before cover is as follows: In millions of euros Non-current financial debts Current financial debts Total 06.30.18 Financial debts with fixed rate 596.3 29.5 625.8 Financial debts with variable rate (1) 162.0 174.8 336.8 Total 758.3 204.3 962.6 06.30.17 Financial debts with fixed rate 597.8 32.4 630.2 Financial debts with variable rate 151.4 188.6 340.0 Total 749.2 221.0 970.2 (1) Including non-current derivative assets of -1.5 million euros. Taking hedge rates into account, financial debts with variable rate were covered up to 68.6 million euros at the end of June 2018. Note 28: Accounts payable 1- Evolution of the book values In millions of euros 06.30.18 06.30.17 Suppliers and other accounts payable 230.0 226.8 Debts on the acquisition of fixed assets 21.1 21.3 Advance payments received from customers 14.9 7.5 Social security 80.3 79.1 Taxes 23.8 25.4 Other operating debts 56.2 61.8 Other non-operating debts 2.4 2.7 Total 428.7 424.6 Variation for the fiscal year 4.1 -13.2 The rules applied for recording accounts payable are described in Note 1 paragraph 20 of the “Accounting methods and principles in IFRS standards.” 2- Further information Variation for the fiscal year includes the following main items: In millions of euros 17-18 16-17 Variations in scope - - Other variations 29.3 -3.9 Currency translations -25.2 -9.3 Total 4.1 -13.2 Variations in scope concern: In millions of euros Total Fiscal year 17-18 None - Total - Fiscal year 16-17 None - Total - Almost all the debts for suppliers and accounts payable are due within one year. The other operating debts mainly include balances to pay to customers concerning the close of operations at the end of the campaign (inventory returns, end of year discount). 5.1. Consolidated Financial Statements