Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

Financial INFORMATION 5 ANNUAL REPORT Vilmorin & Cie 198 2017-2018 2.1.4 Information on the value of instruments set up to hedge currency exchange In millions of euros Total 06.30.18 Contracts on commercial transactions > Cash flow hedge (1) - Contracts on financial transactions > Fair value hedge NS 06.30.17 Contracts on commercial transactions > Cash flow hedge (2) - Contracts on financial transactions > Fair value hedge NS (1) The intrinsic value of contracts on June 30, 2018 is not significant (NS) (2) The intrinsic value of contracts on June 30, 2017 is not significant (NS) 2.1.5 Information on risk exposure to instruments set up to hedge currency Vilmorin & Cie’s net exposure for notional amounts mainly concerns the following currencies (excluding entities’ functional currencies): In millions for each currency US dollar GB pound Australian dollar New Zealand dollar Canadian dollar Yen South African rand Net position before management 12.8 9.9 5.2 0.2 0.2 -7.2 49.1 Forward purchasing - - - - - 250.0 - Forward selling -15.6 -4.2 - - -0.2 - - Net position after management -2.8 5.7 5.2 0.2 - 242.8 49.1 In millions for each currency Turkish lira Hungarian forint Polish zloty Russian ruble Chinese renminbi yuan Czech crown Israeli shekel Net position before management 15.6 1,271.0 31.4 1,466.2 9.0 113.7 - 27.5 Forward purchasing - - - 869.0 - - - Forward selling -21.9 -1,444.0 -8.8 - - -21.7 - Net position after management -6.3 -173.0 22.6 2,335.2 9.0 92.0 -27.5 On June 30, 2018, the exchange rates for one euro were: 1.1658 US dollar, 0.88605 GB pound, 1.5787 Australian dollar, 1.7247 New Zealand dollar, 1.5442 Canadian dollar, 129.04 yen, 16.0484 South African rand, 5.3385 Turkish lira, 329.77 Hungarian forint, 4.3732 Polish zloty, 73.1582 Russian ruble, 7.717 Chinese renminbi yuan, 26.02 Czech crown and 4.2627 Israeli shekel. 5.1. Consolidated Financial Statements