Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

ANNUAL REPORT Vilmorin & Cie 75 2017-2018 2 With majority representation on Vilmorin & Cie’s Board, Limagrain is careful, through different decision-making processes required for its organization, management and governance, not to exert abusive control on strategic orientations and their operational applications. In 2010, Limagrain formally set up a Strategic Committee, in which Vilmorin & Cie’s Independent Members of the Board participate. This Committee regularly analyzes the Company’s strategic orientations in relation to the development projects and opportunities proposed by the General Management and the Executive Committee. In addition, Limagrain has long structured its various activities into specialized, dedicated divisions, thereby committing itself not to invest in business that would compete with Vilmorin & Cie outside the scope of the latter. Vilmorin & Cie directly owns most of the significant companies included in the consolidation scope of its financial statements. 2.2. The Board of Directors Report on CORPORATE GOVERNANCE LIMAGRAIN GROUPE LIMAGRAIN HOLDING SÉLIA LIMAGRAIN COMPANIES 69.67  % GROUPE CRÉDIT AGRICOLE UNIGRAINS BPIFRANCE 26.20  % 73.80  % PARIS STOCK MARKET PUBLIC INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS 5.87  % 98.61  % 7.36  % 20.33  % 6.01  % 5.19  % 62.57  % Shareholding structure on June 30, 2018