Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

Management REPORT 3 Report of the Board of Directors to the Joint Annual General Meeting (Ordinary and Extraordinary) of December 7, 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Vilmorin & Cie 97 2017-2018 Table of results of the Company over the past five years In compliance with the provisions of article R.225-102 of the French Commercial Code, the following table shows the results of our Company over the past five years. In thousand euros 17-18 16-17 15-16 14-15 13-14 Stock at the end of the fiscal year Capital stock 317,717 317,717 317,717 317,717 288,833 Number of ordinary shares 20,833,902 20,833,902 20,833,902 20,833,902 18,939,911 Operations and results Total sales before tax 82,165 78,277 80,819 62,250 56,476 > of which France 55,738 51,959 55,235 44,473 38,932 > of which Export 26,427 26,317 25,584 17,777 17,544 > of which Services 70,897 67,360 70,075 51,046 55,439 Profit before income tax, profit-sharing, amortization, depreciation and provisions 55,186 22,986 36,306 10,059 29,205 Profit after income tax, profit-sharing, amortization, depreciation and provisions 30,828 26,253 32,700 14,580 39,372 Profits distributed 28,126 33,334 22,917 32,709 31,251 Profit per share (in euros) Profit after income tax and profit-sharing, but before amortization, depreciation and provisions 3.67 2.09 2.68 1.31 2.28 Profit after income tax, profit-sharing, amortization, depreciation and provisions 1.48 1.26 1.57 0.70 2.07 Dividend per share 1.35 1.60 1.10 1.57 1.65 Headcount Average staff (1) 295 264 257 236 209 Total payroll 18,321 18,266 16,735 13,906 12,701 (1) Number of people. Inter-company loans We inform you that our Company has not granted any loans pursuant to articles L.511-6, 3bis and R.511-2-1-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code. Information to the Works Council We inform you that, in compliance with the provisions of article L.2323-8 of the French Labor Code, the results of your Company have been sent to, and presented to, the Works Council before the Annual General Meeting. Regulatory agreements We inform you that no new agreement subject to the procedure for regulatory agreements governed by article L.225-38 of the French Commercial Code was signed during the course of the fiscal year from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. The agreements entered into and approved over previous fiscal years, and which continued to apply for the past fiscal year, were re-examined by our Company’s Board of Directors. These agreements have been brought to the attention of the Statutory Auditors for their report on regulated agreements and commitments.