Vilmorin & Cie - Annual report 2017-2018

STRATEGY • Combine organic and external growth : - Maintain organic growth higher than that of the market, thanks to the virtuous circle of innovation combined with proximity to its markets. - Strengthen positions through targeted external growth operations. • Develop business on complementary crop/territory segments and become a leader on all markets with strong ambitions in Asia and all the strategic crops. STRATEGY • Reinforce leading positions in Europe and North America. • Develop activities in new regions: South America, Asia and Africa. • Pursue innovation in plant breeding and develop a proprietary range of genetically modified varieties. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Corn seeds A global market (5.4 billion USD in 2017) with high added value, highly segmented in terms of products and production methods Top crop in the world in value (more than 16 billion USD in 2017) STRATEGY • Consolidate its position as leader in Europe. • Contribute to converting the market to high value seeds. • Progressively move into new regions and develop solid international partnerships. Top crop in the world in acreage (almost 220 million hectares in 2017) OBJECTIVE > Become a global player OBJECTIVE > Ultimately become the world reference OBJECTIVE > Reinforce world leadership Wheat seeds Vegetable seeds Source: Phillips McDougall 2018.